The DLSA takes the health and safety of our families and out employees very seriously and as such, we have a range of strict social distancing and non-transmission initiatives in place that customer, employees and contractors MUST adhere to.
Here's a breakdown of the most important terms and conditions our customers must agree to and follow:
All customers booking to the DLSA Program MUST complete and submit our online COVIDSafe Terms and Conditions form. You can do that here - CLICK HERE
Everyone must accept/agree to the GENERAL Ts & Cs, then there are separate Ts & Cs for various programs; Infant & Toddler Program, Learn-to-Swim Program, Squad Program. Parents/guardians must complete the relevant Ts & Cs section pertaining to their child/rens bookings.
GENERAL: I/my family MUST NOT attend lessons if I/we have experienced cold or flu like symptoms within the 72 hours before each class.
GENERAL: To participate in the DLSA Program, you must accept and follow all DLSA special terms and conditions.
GENERAL: I/my family will use hand sanitiser as I enter the DLSA.
GENERAL: I/my family will stay at home if unwell and not risk the health of other swimmers or the DLSA Staff.
GENERAL: Due to strict numbers/facility regulations, Only 1 parent/guardian per family can attend our facilities, subject to the DLSA Traffic Light Alert readiness system.
GENERAL: The DLSA supports cashless transactions. subject to the DLSA Traffic Light Alert readiness system.
GENERAL: Accumulated Make-Up lessons are not able to be used as credit for lessons.
GENERAL: Should the DLSA be required to lockdown as part of a localised CV19 directive from the Qld Government. Swimmers who miss a lesson due to the CV19 lockdown will automatically accrue a Make-Up Token for that missed lesson.
GENERAL: DLSA promotes a, 'Arrive Ready, Swim Swim, Dry Off, Warm Clothes, Exit' approach to swimming lessons.
GENERAL: Limited seating will be available. Customers must maintain a minimum 1.5m social distancing at all time.
GENERAL: The DLSA reserves the right to refuse entry to or ask to leave, any person who is exhibiting cold or flu like symptoms.
INFANT/TODDLER: I understand that no additional adult or siblings can be at the pool, only the swimmer and parent.
LEARN-TO-SWIM: Children must arrive dressed and ready to start lessons. Change rooms will not be available.
SQUAD: Children must arrive dressed and ready to start lessons. Change rooms will not be available.
These detailed terms and conditions have ben put in place to help maintain everybody's health and safety throughout this time. The DLSA takes these terms and conditions very seriously and we ask that we continue to receive your patience and cooperation throughout this time.
Every family joining the our program needs to review, agree to and submit our COVIDSafe Terms and Conditions. If you haven't already done so, click here to review and submit our online terms and conditions form - CLICK HERE