As we move into this phase of 'living with' CV19 the DLSA has added our established Covid Countermeasures.
Our goal is to continue to provide a safe and healthy environment for all of our customers and employees. To that end, effective immediately and continuing indefinitely, we will be enforcing the following guidelines:
As per the Qld Health mandate, wearing a face mask is now mandatory when visiting our facilities except while in the water. Children under 12 years and people affected by a medical condition (proof required) or disability do not lawfully have to wear a face mask.
To minimise foot traffic and maximise social distancing, we ask that no unnecessary spectators attend our facility. Please see our Admin Team if you have any concerns.
QR Code Qld Health Check In App must be used upon entry for every visit.
1.5m social distancing and maximum people per room limits will be enforced as per Qld Health guidelines as normal.
Customers will have access to multiple hand sanitising stations throughout our facilities.
We will be providing a DLSA Hygiene Officer for every shift to actively move around our facility performing antibacterial disinfecting/wiping down of high contact surfaces.
We will be providing antibacterial wipe stations in key locations enabling parents to wipe down surfaces should they require.
Do not attend lessons if you have exhibited cold or flu like symptoms within the previous 72 hours.
Any class missed due to Covid related illness or isolation requirement will accrue a Make-up. Those Make-ups will now have a 6 month expiry.
The whole DLSA Team is double vaxed.
We understand that this is a challenging time for many of our families, but we are determined to maintain our program within strict CovidSafe Countermeasures, so our swimmers to continue their Water Safety Journey in a safe and healthy swimming environment.
Swimming - An Essential skill for LIFE!